Sotogrande Useful Info

If you have just moved to Sotogrande, we recommend you take note of the following telephone numbers, which include the most important contacts in case of emergencies or for special locations of interest, in and around Sotogrande:

Security Paniagua 956795194
Security Soto Alto 956795165
Security Sotogrande 956794191
Security Marina 956790100
Control Tower Port 956790000

Post Office Sotogrande Port 956790040
Post Office Guadiaro Pueblo 956614074

Emergencies 112
National Police 091
Local Police 956682174
Guardia Civil 062 or 956794304
Fire Brigade 085
Health Emergencies 061
San Enrique Medical Center 24h 902505061 or 956615199
Guadiaro Medical Center 956614040
Red Cross 956684896

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